Friday, April 19, 2013

Coping Too Well

This has been one of 'those' days. I tend to shake off the negative and hurtful. . But sometimes the occation arises to stop the stoic and just feel and deal. I am surrounded by the most amazing people in the world. I am just overwhellmingly supported and encouraged by men and women I respect. I kinda had one of those misty eyed moments earlier. I think I am extremelly self disciplined in only letting others see my happy confident self. Today I got a little TMI and you know how it can be that one thing that is just too.much. I am pretty happy with my well developed coping skills, usually. Today not so sure. Is there maybe such a thing as coping a little too well? Guess I need to.put some thought into this, later...much later. Love you my friends Have a hunky dory fun Friday. kisses Thank you Victor, Julie, Annette, for your insight. Victor you are a wise good man. Glad for new friends Clare and Brenda.

1 comment:

  1. I typed this on my phone so apologize for typos. I was also unsuccessful at loading a picture. Thank you so much for reading anyway. kisses Steffie
