Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Deep Thoughts

What a beautiful, breezy, sunshine, Sunday.  I am sitting outside, soaking up rays, contemplating my life so far. I know the Lord has His own timing if I stop worrying and trust Him.  It is really cool how just when I give up on 'me' , realize I am not so smart after all and ask God for help-Boom-He is answering my prayer before I speak it. Thank you God!  kisses

Monday, March 24, 2014

Family Weekend

My weekend has come to an end as another manic Monday, early to work day, count down to Friday will soon begin. Saturday and Sunday whizzed by in a blurr as a pleasant two hours and a little more, drive filled with bright colorful wild flowers  on my merry way to the Bluff. (Flour Bluff, Texas) Quality time spent with my Mom and new husband,  not near enough time spent with my favorite brother and favorite sister with plans to gather again in a few months as we said our goodbyes. Our little family sure misses Dad and keeping us together has become a priority and a way to help channel some of the over whelming feelings of loss and the changes that follow, so it goes.  Just so glad I finally found Polarized, UV protection, limited edition, movie star sunglasses at Benjamin's.  It is gonna be a great week! kisses

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Begin Again

Happy throw back Thursday, almost made it thru the week day and the first official day of Spring.   My 53rd birthday is just around the corner causing me to take note I am completely in my '50s'. A fact that feels rather sureal as once upon a time, some years ago, it was my observation 'fifty was the begining of old'. Fifty was women with very short hair, polyester pants with uneven granny panty lines, clip on earrings, and red lipstick.  She stayed home to watch soap opras, host the occational bridge game with other fifty somethings and wait...for husband, kids, grandchildren to give her life purpose.     Time passes, things change and it is not the 1960's  anymore.  Our culture has evolved for better or for worse, people are living longer and stronger, and women no longer wait.      Life as a fifty something sure is not how I had it pictured.  Recently allowing a nice man into my world to share my day with, have fun with and grow old with was put on my 'to do' list.  Shorty thereafter he found me.  Timing is everything and we are just getting to know each other.  I wear blue jeans, g-strings and sport a few tattos.  Maybe 50 is not the begining of old. Maybe 50 is just a groovy, super cool place to begin again. kisses

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Your Name In Bold Letters

I have been divorced I think about 9 years or so, I really cannot remember exactly.  I often hear others talk about their divorce date like an anniversary. This used to make me feel really dumb and wonder why I could not even get that right!  I do still remember the first day of first grade when everyone else went straight to their own desk while I stood bewildered.  How did they know? Thank God for Adriana Salinas. She showed me my desk had my name on it.  If only the rest of life could be so easy.  Choosing a successful career would be a snap. Your name in bold letters at the proper booth on career day.  Perfect soul mate at the perfect time in life, would walk up and have your name on them, maybe on a cap or across the front of a tee shirt.     Adriana, where are you now??  Life passes, time marches on and thru it all I have learned to feel more comfortable in my own skin.  I embrace my quirkiness and occasionally am delighted to find there are others somewhat like me.  Adriana it seems married the perfect soul mate at just the right time and is an Eye Doctor in another state.  So it goes. Have a super great hump day, middle of the week day, silly camel jokes day, Wednesday.  kisses