Thursday, October 30, 2014

No Fear, Max Is Here

Happy Thursday, hope things are going your way,  get ready for Halloween Day, tomorrow is Trick-or-Treat-Friday, Yay!
My most amazing middle child allowed me to accompany, she and my grandsons, costume shopping.  Did you know there is a Halloween Store specifically for all things-creepy,  spooky, haunted and somewhat gruesome? What a hoot to corral little boys through such a place.
My youngest grandson was born with a rare genetic disorder, Prader-Willi Syndrome, genes on the number 15 chromsome are deleted.  A case of 'Mother Nature' shuffling the deck, said the Genetic Specialist.  Low muscle tone, cognitive disabilities are just part of the list.  We know this, he does not!  
Max is a wonder boy constantly devising ways to accomplish developmental milestones his parents were gently informed would be much delayed, some not attainable.  
Children live in such a different realm from us adults.  I have to blink back tears watching my two older grandsons interact with Max.  They rough house and play like boys do but seem to instinctively know  when their little brother needs help.  They are protective showing kindness and patience I think amazing for ones so young. 
The Bible talks about all God's children having a guardian angel.  I think Max has a whole platoon assigned to him.  The life size animated, story telling, green, wart covered witch at the back of the store sends most children running for their Momma.  Max walked right up and introduced himself.  No fear, no judgement here.  Why can't we be friends? ....or maybe just a little more like Max. kisses

Sunday, October 19, 2014

No Playing Cards On Sunday

Happy church day, friends & family day, catch up on needed rest day, bright sunshine Sunday.
My Granny loved playing card games.  No matter how many of us grandkids were visiting, the brown card table kept folded behind her late 1960's Traditional style faded beige sofa, was pulled out and each of us grabbed a metal leg to unfold.  
Granny was so proud of her cards. She had several decks, each with a fancy plastic case.  I was always facinated with the Joker cards.  Maybe because of the funny picture? 
Fight-N-Spite was her usual game of choice when playing with us but her real passion was Bridge.  She played at the local community center, she played with The Grandmothers Club,  and some other group she just called her 'Bridge Club'.
Not only did she play, she played to win. My sweet little four foot something grandmother had a competitive streak and trophies to show for it. I was so proud of her being the Bridge Queen. 
  I remember asking her to teach me how to play once and she told me, "Oh no Stephie,  you do not want to learn that. Then everyone will want you to play."  This lead me to believe playing bridge was some sort of job or obligation of 'old people'.  I remember worrying for the longest time. Like what if I got old without having learned how to play Bridge?  I would not be a 'proper' old person, what would my grandchildren think?  I even for a time would follow the Bridge game in the newspaper. Finally gave up on that!
Granny was a Christian and she had a strict rule 'No playing cards on Sunday!"   I am not sure why playing cards on Sunday was the devil but then I am not sure about a lot of things. 
There is one thing-I sure am glad I had such a good Granny. kisses

Saturday, October 18, 2014

While I'm In Love

Rita Cooledge sings a song that usually always makes me cry. 
 I was so in love with my ex-husband, even after a county court Judge ruled to 'put asunder' what 'God had joined together' anytime he walkes into a room, I am so happy to see him my heart skips a beat, his presence takes my breath away,  no different from the very first time I saw him all those years ago, 
I will never forget that moment.  It plays like a video in my mind as I write this and an involuntary grin takes over my face. I was with my friend Carolyn Scott and her husband Jerry at The Barrell House in Flour Bluff.  It was an otherwise hole in the wall, yucky beer joint but we graced a table by the small dance floor in support of Dondi.  A local musician that was almost famous.   
Jerry would tease me about being single. He was a supervisor over aircraft mechanics, most of them just out of the military and single, at the Corpus Chrisiti Navy Base.    He would say 'Stephanie, what do you want? A tall one, short one? Take your pick.'.  How silly!
I was kinda worried about being out so late as Carolyn and I were nursing students, when the heavy wooden bright red bar door swung open and a group of guys and girls, probably a few years older than me, seemed to tumble in, apparently fresh from the beach, and funny how fast your whole life can change. 
He was tall, dark and handsome. He wore a purple,  half tee shirt and  Levi jeans that fit just right.  
"Here are the Beech Creeps now" Jerry hollered out. (In referance to the name of the aerospace company they all worked for)  In a tight bunch the group moved in unison towards our table and I was already praying he would sit by me.  Jerry made informal introductions while I tried not to stare at that smooth skinned, brown belly, and not fidget self consciously too much.  When the group settled in and couples went to dance as Dondi played 'Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places' on his Gibson Guitar, Juan asked if I would like to dance.  We barely moved as he held me and asked a thousand questions.  That song lasted forever yet I was not ready to let go of him when it ended.  I guess I never really have...completely anyway. I can't. We share children, grandchildren and a whole lifetime full of memories.  I am not even sure how long we have been divorced.  But I do know we married on March 3,  1985 in his sister's back yard to a turn table playing The Carpenter's vinyl record "We've Only Just Begun" .  With, among other guests, his grandmother and my grandmother in attendance.  My daughter, now our daughter, Natosha the flower girl. My favorite sister and his next oldest brother, our witnesses , while Shauna, the 2nd of our 3 children, gestated comfortably in my still flat tummy.  He had the most romantic sounding  name ever and once I finally learned how to spell it I have never tired of hearing him or anyone else say it. 
Life is full of change.  
My heart has a space where words end but feelings continue.  You feel what you feel. It is what it is, on and on and so it goes.  kisses