Sunday, November 25, 2018

God and Dog

God and Dog    Click the Link for video song

I am so thankful for cooler weather on this blue sky Sunday after Thanksgiving. I don't like it much when the heat and humidity of Summer hang around past curfew causing conversations questioning, is Winter just running late or is she being held hostage by global warming? I'm not so sure the seasons care about our obsession with orderly and consistent predictable weather stability. I believe the earth has had its own rhythm since God spoke it into motion in the beginning. The one constant through time is change.

A friend sent me a link to a sweet song that touched my heart and rings so true I want to pass it along to you. God and Dog - by Wendy Francisco.  She has a cool Facebook page also. You can click the link above to watch the short video. When my kids were growing up we were blessed through the years with a loyal, happy family dog. What a treasure. Dogs can be protectors, and helpers but mostly they are willing and eager companions that turn on your heart light. You will never feel alone if you have a dog. When Daisy crossed the rainbow bridge our entire family mourned. But as hard and sad as it was losing her I am grateful for all she brought into our lives. In the beginning there was God. He knew then we would need a dog. On and on and so it goes. kisses
Me & Daisy