Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Friday

Good Friday Morning !  It's Summer and I am really feeling it.  I just read a post on Facebook from my BFF since junior high about her eating Sardines and mustard.  We grew up in Flour Bluff, Texas . It's really a suburb of Corpus Christi but if you grew up there you would know what I mean. Very rural and really it was a small town of its own.  Ruthann spent one Summer living with her Grandparents about a mile from my house. She and I would walk back and forth to each others house, all day.  This walk included partly paved road, long stretch of dirt road along the Laguna, and a run thru the cattails where we hoped we would not see a giant purple polka dotted snake or pythaconda!  On one of our walks we noticed a dead opossum with her belly moving.  Being Bluff Rats (as the Corpus kids called us) we grabbed a stick and rummaged around till we found her pouch and pulled out the babies. What hero's we thought we were.  I'll just leave that story for another day.  Our favorite snack was Sardines with cottage cheese on Saltine crackers with her PawPaw's home made pepper sauce on top. I have never met anyone else that ate that. Must be why Ruthann and I are still best friends.  Have a good weekend everybody.  kisses

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Table Dancing

Birds are talking, roosters are crowing and the too numerous to mention Texas insects are singing a loud hoorah.  Morning and Evening are the best times for me.  Cares of the day seem to be quiet.  Worries and tear drops fade and evaporate with the changing sky.    
Have you ever watched the sun go down at the beach?  Creatures large and small, actually thrive in salt, sand and sun. 
Coyotes, foxes, deer, graceful water birds are landing.  I get lost in the moonlight over the water.  
 I camped out by myself the weekend after my divorce was final.  I set up my tent, pulled out the ice chest  and walked along the shore trying to sort things out. My sweet friend Cheryl was worried about me, silly girl.  She found my campsite just as it was getting dark.  So we did what Flour Bluff girls do, marveled for a bit at the wildlife then cranked up the boombox and danced like crazy hippie chicks to Steve Miller Band on the nearest picnic table.  kisses 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Steffie's Small World

I say a lot 'I keep my world small'.   This is because I like to think I know my limitations. I know I can be gullible, some say I am naive.  My first inclination is to trust and if you ask me for something I most probably will say yes.  Somehow this seems to be hardwired into my personality or brain or whatever. I  guess I feel like if I keep my world small then I am less likely to be taken advantage of  plus, I really hate confrontation.  The fewer people I deal with on a daily basis the less likely I will have any conflict.    Random people I know from places I like to frequent tell me I am friendly and always happy.  That I think is a compliment and very nice to hear.  I am happy.  I like to be nice to others cause I like it when others are nice to me.  You know, the Golden Rule stuff, it works!  I have to say I think I have had a pretty easy life up until now. Well, you know just the usual stuff.  Teenage single Mom, married, divorced,  the usual.  This is the very first blog on my very first  Blogger Site.  I am so excited.  Thank you for tuning in.  Steffie