Sunday, September 23, 2018

Barber Shop

Lee the Shoeshine Man
 Looking at Facebook just now, as is common for me at 5 am, when a page with pictures of old Corpus Christi, Texas brought back memories of Schatzel Street and my PawPaw's barber shop. He leased a prime downtown spot during the sixties not far from the Nueces County Courthouse.  It was in a dignified fancy brick storefront, back when architects designed buildings with character and class.  I googled his name and Schatzel Street and discovered it was called Jimmie Adams Barber Shop.  My little sister and I were allowed to get on the city bus in front of Paw Paw and Granny's house on Gollihar,  by ourselves, and ride it downtown to the shop.  Robin had this adventure much more often than me as she was Paw Paw's favorite and I didn't much like doing it anyway.  I was too afraid to pull the string letting the bus driver know to stop and let me off and Paw Paw would fuss at me for looking at the girly magazines he left out so his all male customers would not get bored while they waited their turn. I was fascinated by those naked women and wondered if they were normal.  Lolly, the manicurist with her jet black bee hive hair do, huge eyelashes, blue eye-shadow and always a mini skirt told Paw Paw to leave me be as I needed to know about growing up-or something like that.  This did not go over well with my Paw Paw and was probably one of the many reasons I was not his favorite-always the little rebel.  Anyway, watching Paw Paw's employees was my greatest entertainment.  Girl talk with Lolly was fun but she stayed pretty busy perched on her stool in front buffing lawyers fingernails to a professional pink shine. There was a very thin, tall young barber, with perfectly slicked back hair-almost in a duck tail, that had the first chair. I thought he and Lolly made eyes at each other occasionally.  Paw Paw ran a pretty tight ship so I never witnessed much chitchat between them.  Turns out I was right because a few years later  Paw Paw grumbled about how that barber had borrowed money from him and never came back and neither did Lolly.  He felt this was no coincidence and they must have skipped town together.
Granny gave Lolly the benefit of the doubt and was concerned for the wife the young barber left behind.  I thought the whole story was quite exciting and pictured Lolly and Thin Man in matching trench coats and fedora hats traveling incognito to a new life in a big city far away.  Don't ask me why.  Just my little kid  mind and too much Dick Tracy and Brenda Star I guess.
A large mirror ran the length of the wall behind the three stations giving some depth to the narrow shop.  Opposite the high dollar adjustable barber chairs and towards the back of Jimmie Adams barber shop was the shoeshine stand attended by Lee the shoeshine man.  He had a fancy set up Paw Paw had bought from a hotel. When he was not busy he would shine my brown leather penny loafers and talk to me the entire time.  What a treat!  A few times I remember Lee stopping by Paw Paw and Granny's house after church.  He and his wife still in Sunday best as were we.  They were entertained outside on the covered cement patio which offered much more space than my grandparent's small living room. It all felt very friendly till one Sunday Paw Paw was showing off his prized roses to Lee so Granny wanted to make a bouquet of her beloved sweet peas for his wife.  Granny asked her to follow into the kitchen. I was puzzled when wife was leery about entering the house and asked Granny, "What will Jim say?" Granny waved her on saying it was okay.  So wife followed.  Next, things got really confusing. It seemed like Paw Paw appeared out of nowhere yelling and cursing and literally chased wife out of the house.  I will never forget that sight and trying to figure out what went so terribly wrong. Lee was apologizing and kind of bowing to his boss as he and wife retreated to their car and made a hasty escape.  Next my grandfather yelled at Granny asking what she was thinking letting that woman in the house.  Granny yelled back.
"Jim, you are going to hades for such behavior."  And she kind of trembled all over and did her Granny style mumble under her breath, shaking her head and clicking her tongue in a severe way I only witnessed a few times in my life. Granny was a good Christian thru and thru. It would be many years before Paw Paw felt God's hand on his life and experienced a total change of heart.
Well that's all I remember about that - oh and Mom trying to explain to us on the way home that Paw Paw grew up in a time where black people were not allowed in white people's houses. But not every one felt that way and Granny's family never did.  Neither did MeMaw (Dad's Mom), and now days most people did not worry about such things and we should pray for PawPaw.
 Good Grief!! What a ruckus.  I actually have this one picture of Lee with me and my sister, Cheryl part of the Tulane gang, my grandparents and Mom.
The building on Shatzel has survived the many changes of downtown Corpus with only minor face-lifts. The barber shop had a total of 3 owners thru the years. PawPaw was the middle one and he sold it when he was diagnosed with colon cancer that required multiple surgeries in the mid 1970's. He recovered and cut hair for several more years from home. I am not sure exactely when the last owner sold out. But once I drove by and it looked like a surf shop. The steps to the open upstairs area where PawPaw kept a cot to catch a nap on slow days were still there. I pictured his cot and remembered how the barber shop smelled of hair tonic, shaving cream, Vitalis and Old Spice with an uner tone of musty old building and leather shoes.
If those walls could talk!  kisses
Schatzel St  Paw Paw's barber shop what it looks like now

Friday, September 21, 2018

As Long As You Can Find the Bathroom

Dark rain clouds have hovered over and around my rural Texas neighborhood for a solid week  scattering sprinkles to downpours causing much mud and muck, filling up creeks,  leading to the inevitable mosquito invasion.  I am thankful for the much needed rain.  I am super duper thankful it has cooled things off a bit but those mosquitoes need to go to the devil!  They are evil misery on wings.

late 1960s'
I was just looking through old pictures and I found this of Mom (in the hat) us three kids and my Great Aunt Marie spending a day on Padre Island.  I do not remember this particular event but I do have fond memories of my Aunt Marie. She and my Granny lost both their parents when they were young children (in the early 1900s) so spent their youth growing up with grandparents and then various cousins. It always sounded to me like the family sort of took turns with the little orphan girls.  It also seemed they were a good Christian family full of love and kindness because that is how my Granny and Aunt Marie were, full of grace and dignity.  They both had a very strong faith in God and believed in the power of prayer.  Aunt Marie lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma while Granny and our family lived in Corpus Christi, Texas.  I remember Granny mailing lots of letters as calling long distance was saved for special occasions back then. Aunt Marie was very hard of hearing so wore a hearing aid.  Her 'ears' as she called it, had a large, very uncomfortable looking ear piece with a long wire connected to a metal box she kept in her bra.  I was so fascinated with the way she spoke on the phone.  I am talking about a real telephone handset from back in the day not a cell phone.  Anyway, she would turn it sideways and put the receiver to her bra and the speaker to her mouth. It was hard for my little kid mind to understand how she could hear through her brazier.  Us kids had to be a little careful what we said under our breath as Aunt Marie had learned to read lips!   She had much difficulty but never complained and made a joke out of everything.  It was so great to be around Aunt Marie.  She found the positive and humor in all things. Once after me and Granny had visited a whole week, we were packing up to catch the Greyhound back to Texas. Aunt Marie was so surprised and upset. She said, "Why are you leaving?" "You just got here yesterday?"
I realize now she had early dementia or forgetfulness. She realized it to some degree and would tell us,  "The doctor says as long as I can eat and find my way to the bathroom not to worry".  She would belly laugh, throw her arms in the air then bend and slap her thighs.  A grand Aunt Marie gesture I remember well.
I wish my kids could have known her but only the rocks live forever.  Hopefully my memory holds out for me to tell them all these stories.  So it goes. kisses

Sisters-Marie & Sarah

Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Mother's Heart

Sunday morning sunshine will soon and suddenly rush through my bedroom windows like an unwelcome party crasher.  No slumber for this over thinker, midnight writer, night owl.

My 3 adult children have been adults so long I now have an adult grandchild.  This fact matters not to my Mother's heart.  I still picture each of them as my little ones.

When my oldest daughter had surgery last month and arrangements were being made for me to be there Tosha asked, "Mom should I put the  trundle bed in Evelyn's room?"
"Oh, for Paul?"  I replied. 
Paul is Tosha's husband and of course the
trundle was for me.  She laughed as she has been a Mother long enough to understand the feeling.

So I have a daughter with children old enough to have Mother feelings like her Mother.  Apparently this is an on going process and somewhat more involved than I had anticipated. My Granny and my MeeMaw made it look so easy.  I wish I would have paid more attention or that they could have lived forever.
Time marches on, Life is full of change, on and on and so it goes.